
Marie Plakos Books

womeninexileWomen in Exile
by Marie Plakos
Ghana, West Africa, has several Witch Camps. In these camps are women (mostly) who have been taken from their homes and accused of witchcraft. They usually spend the rest of their lives living in mud huts in a commune. They must work in the fields to get their food. The photographs in this book were taken at the Gambaga Witch Camp.
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by Marie Plakos
This book is a photographic essay book about women in four cultures and how they adorn their bodies. The cultures are Maasai from Kenya, Maya from Chiapas, Dani from Papua, and women from Ghana.
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Heart and Soul
by Marie Plakos
This book is a photographic essay about the people of Burma (Myanmar). The author traveled in Burma for six weeks and selected these images as representations of their present lifestyle.
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